Day 7: TOP OF THE WORLD from Hunder to Leh

We Made It!  To the

Distance traveled: 130 kms
Ride time: approximately 5.5 hours
Total time (w/ breaks): 6.5 hours
Health check: Super, no AMS even at top
Mental check: Peaceful
Motorcycle check: All systems go, extra gas consumption pointing to clutch issues

Sleeping on comfortable bed gave us all the best sleep so far – no tossing or turning, a perfect deep sleep all night.

Kick starting at 8:00am, we just retraced our skidmarks back to Khalsar going through lots of hairpin bend twisties for about 50-60 kms to north Pullu. Gopi and I enjoyed the amazing ride, similar to the 311 curves of the tail of the dragon, while listening to the same romantic music via a headphone splitter.

To prevent Gopi’s back getting any worse, she hopped on to the backup van when the rough patch started on our ascend to the highest motorable pass in the world Khardung La. It was quite an adventurous 15 kms track ascending through continuous bumps on steep inclines filled with water streams from melting snow. The last 5 kms scenic patch with snow covered peaks on one side and cliff valley on the other lead us to the Top of the World at 18,380 feet. Reaching to the top felt like quite an achievement; this is what we ventured out to, but at the risk of using a cliche, it is all about the journey and not the destination. It has been the most exciting and adventurous journey of our lives.

To prevent AMS again, we only stayed at the top for about 15 mins for photo ops before descending back on the other side of the mountain with similar adventurous terrain from North to South Pullu for 15-20 kms. However, there was a special moment at the top – under the board of “World’s Highest Motorable Pass” with all the prayer flags swirling from the cold breeze, Kyle got down on one knee and proposed to Melissa :). What a perfect setting for proposal – wish them the best for a life full of love and togetherness.

During the descend, my excitement put me in a zone listening to music and cruising along the descent without worrying about every stone or potholes or water streams. That’s when I realized that the reason dirt bike riders keep standing – it’s much easier to control the bike and the body doesn’t become one with the bike absorbing all the shocks. At the beginning of the tarmac road, we waited for about 20 mins for the backup van to show up when Gopi hopped back on to match my tune on a beautiful ride back to Hotel Leh-Chen.

It certainly was one of the best days to ride with a perfect balance of adventurous tracks, smooth twisties, and shorter duration getting us back in time for a late lunch at 2:30pm. Then the six of us – Praveen, Pramod, Cjo, Hiren, Gopi and I ventured out to the “Hall of Fame” describing the bravery of Indian soldiers throughout the later 19th century. Unfortunately it was closed due to electricity outage, but it didn’t prevent us from testing out the adventure park with military hurdles (created for kids 😉 ). Being childish once in a while was such fun with a great group of friends; we also tested our long lost carom skills at the Riders Cafe.

Hot water availability only from 5 to 8pm rushed us back to the hotel for a hot shower, prior to the Indo-Chinese meals at hotel Leh-Chen.

Although the mission was accomplished, stay tuned for the longest and toughest day tomorrow to Sarchu.

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